How to Make a Hot Toddy
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November 12, 2018
This Mixed Drink Monday learn how to make a Hot Toddy!
Step 1: Turn stove top on medium to low heat.
Step 2: Add 8oz of Pennington Vanilla Rye Whiskey into pan.
Step 3: Add 6 tablespoons of honey into pan.
Step 4: Add 4 cups of apple cider into pan.
Step 5: Add 4 cinnamon sticks into pan.
Step 6: Heat for 2 minutes.
Step 7: Remove from heat.
Step 8: Place 4 Earl Gray Tea Bags into pan and steep.
Step 9: Squeeze half a lemon into pan.
Step 10: Heat for another 2 minutes.
Step 11: Garnish with lemon wedge and cinnamon stick.
Step 12: Enjoy!